

 இறைவன் சுற்றுலா செல்ல வேண்டுமாம்
அதற்காய் படைத்தான்

– விஜெ




August 24th, Sathyam complex. Just before the film”Transformers” was about to begin, National Anthem was played… When everybody stood up for their country’s national anthem, I can see a couple of guys sitting leisurely and making fun of everybody who were standing .Felt like hitting them and I am sure many of us in the theatre would have felt the same. The very basic question arises here. The current age has seen an increasing trend of nationalism and patriotism becoming sheer slogans. We are gradually loosing the sense of responsibility and love that we had for our country.  Today’s education system is in such a way that we are given all education excluding the education that generates principles, patriotism and nationalism. We are slowly forgetting the importance of the nation in our lives. Since independence our brave soldiers have been laying down their lives with pride, but we consider our patriotism when India wins a cricket match and you wave the Indian Flag with grace and passion. Somebody asked me “Is Patriotism all about standing up for the national anthem or respecting Indian freedom fighters or cheering up for Indian cricket team?”. Definitely not. Its more than that like what I said “It’s in our lives”. But again, as a visual advertisement goes, “If you can’t even respect your National Anthem, how can one expect you to respect the nation? “. Think!!!-VJ


கனவுகளின் கவிதைகள்..

அவள் திரும்பிய பிறகும்

என்னை பார்த்து சிரித்தன

அவளது மல்லிகை பூக்கள்….

– விஜே

என் காதலை
இந்த பழாய்போன கண்கள்
காட்டிகொடுத்துவிடும் என்பதாலேயெ
உன்னை நான் அருகில் பார்ப்பதில்லை…

– விஜே